Treating Acne With Konjac

Acne, most common in teenagers, is characterized by clogged pores on the skin, pimples and irritated blackheads. Food sensitivities have been shown to enhance this condition.

In the July 2007 issue of the ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,’ lead author Robyn Smith discusses the results of studies that show a connection between diet and acne. Eating a low glycemic load diet or foods that are rich in fibre and low in refined carbohydrates can improve hormonal acne.

Refined carbohydrates can cause your blood sugar to spike, which plays a role in insulin resistance, as well as hormone rises that can cause acne. She continues with suggesting the inclusion of lean proteins as well as whole grains and fibre-rich produce in ones diet to combat the acne condition.

Consuming Konjac fibre mixed with water helps slow the release of refined sugars into the blood stream.

References; 5 Ways to cure Acne and A low glycemic load diet improves symptoms in acne vulgaris (.pdf)

High Fibre Diet Benefits Acne

A doctor reported that patients who took one ounce of high-fibre breakfast cereal every day showed rapid clearing up of acne. He speculated that “a diet low in fat, salt, and refined carbohydrates and high in vegetable fibre” could be of value in the management of acne by reducing constipation which has been associated with this skin affliction.

Ref: W.F. Kaufman, “The Diet and Acne,” [Letter], Archives of Dermatology 119:276, 1983

Konjac fibre is an effective source of fibre and has zero fat, salt and refined carbohydrates, making Konjac a good natural choice when treating Acne.